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BEXAR County, TX

October 1, 2019 Foreclosure List
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Address Bed/Baths SqFt Year Bid Tax/Est Value Attorney Owner Mortgage
556 Slippery Rock
Cibolo, TX 78108
-/- - --- --- ---
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8422 Apache BND
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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6455 Beech Trail DR
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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9707 Discovery DR
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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6803 Flatstone PASS
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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8027 Hts VLY
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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8954 Nature TRL
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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10510 Rosalina LOOP
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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4006 Shervin WAY
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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8422 Snakeweed DR
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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4106 Stanley PARK
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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8427 Terlingua CV
Converse, TX 78109
-/- - --- --- ---
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138 Candelaria
Helotes, TX 78023
-/- - --- --- ---
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10652 Hibiscus CV
Helotes, TX 78023
-/- - --- --- ---
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9239 Trailing Fern
Helotes, TX 78023
-/- - --- --- ---
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6532 Sally Agee
Leon Valley, TX 78238
-/- - --- --- ---
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8558 Adams Hill DR
San Antonio, TX 78227
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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6027 Akin Song
San Antonio, TX 78261
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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2822 Almond Field DR
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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10459 Alpine VLG
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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9091 Arborwood
San Antonio, TX 78250
-/- - --- --- ---
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738 Arch Stone
San Antonio, TX 78258
-/- - --- --- ---
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8026 Assumption DR
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- ---
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6819 Avila
San Antonio, TX 78239
-/- - --- --- ---
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7218 Azalea SQ
San Antonio, TX 78218
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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8103 Babe Ruth ST
San Antonio, TX 78240
-/- - --- --- ---
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9903 Barhill Bay
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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318 Belmont
San Antonio, TX 78202
-/- - --- --- ---
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7703 Bent BR
San Antonio, TX 78250
-/- - --- --- ---
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2643 Bluff XING
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- ---
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9503 Braun SQ
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- ---
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5719 Bypass TRL
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- ---
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3311 Candlemoon DR
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- ---
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5759 Canterbury RUN
San Antonio, TX 78228
-/- - --- --- ---
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934 Canyon Ridge DR
San Antonio, TX 78227
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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215 Carmen PL
San Antonio, TX 78207
-/- - --- --- ---
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5026 Casa Grande
San Antonio, TX 78217
-/- - --- --- ---
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4802 Castle Sword
San Antonio, TX 78218
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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7754 Cedar Farm
San Antonio, TX 78239
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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13918 Cohan WAY
San Antonio, TX 78253
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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4045 Comanche Sunrise
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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540 Cordelia ST
San Antonio, TX 78237
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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2731 Crater ST
San Antonio, TX 78222
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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8014 Cypress Crown
San Antonio, TX 78240
-/- - --- --- ---
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16503 Drum Oak
San Antonio, TX 78232
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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131 Dryden DR
San Antonio, TX 78213
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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9103 Dublin SPGS
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- ---
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11035 Dublin FLD
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- ---
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106 Dullye AVE
San Antonio, TX 78204
-/- - --- --- ---
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819 Eight Iron
San Antonio, TX 78221
-/- - --- --- ---
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2222 Fawn Mist LN
San Antonio, TX 78248
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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4810 Georges Farm
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- ---
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8326 Greenham
San Antonio, TX 78239
-/- - --- --- ---
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1103 Gutierrez ST
San Antonio, TX 78207
-/- - --- --- ---
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7022 Heathers Pond
San Antonio, TX 78227
-/- - --- --- ---
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11632 Hidden TER
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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4727 Highland Farm
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- ---
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4423 Hoeneke ST
San Antonio, TX 78219
-/- - --- --- ---
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310 Honey BLVD
San Antonio, TX 78220
-/- - --- --- ---
- / -
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17135 Ivy GRN
San Antonio, TX 78247
-/- - --- --- ---
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13630 Jack HTS
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- ---
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8407 Jacklyn PARK
San Antonio, TX 78250
-/- - --- --- ---
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13327 La Vista DR
San Antonio, TX 78216
-/- - --- --- ---
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2410 Lake Louise
San Antonio, TX 78228
-/- - --- --- ---
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4331 Lehman DR
San Antonio, TX 78219
-/- - --- --- ---
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15738 Lomita SPGS
San Antonio, TX 78247
-/- - --- --- ---
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12946 Maple Park DR
San Antonio, TX 78249
-/- - --- --- ---
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12323 Mapletree ST
San Antonio, TX 78249
-/- - --- --- ---
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507 Marquis ST
San Antonio, TX 78216
-/- - --- --- ---
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25047 Mcbride DR
San Antonio, TX 78255
-/- - --- --- ---
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102 Metz AVE
San Antonio, TX 78223
-/- - --- --- ---
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2334 Mission Glory
San Antonio, TX 78223
-/- - --- --- ---
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82 Montana Bay
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- ---
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3043 Moss SPGS
San Antonio, TX 78224
-/- - --- --- ---
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268 N San Gabriel AVE
San Antonio, TX 78237
-/- - --- --- ---
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8814 Oro RDG
San Antonio, TX 78224
-/- - --- --- ---
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8811 Padie SMT
San Antonio, TX 78251
-/- - --- --- ---
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118 Peach Valley DR
San Antonio, TX 78227
-/- - --- --- ---
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1514 Periwinkle PL
San Antonio, TX 78232
-/- - --- --- ---
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6030 Pleasant LK
San Antonio, TX 78222
-/- - --- --- ---
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8715 Port Of Call DR
San Antonio, TX 78242
-/- - --- --- ---
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7350 Putter
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- ---
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7819 Quirt DR
San Antonio, TX 78227
-/- - --- --- ---
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7819 Quirt DR
San Antonio, TX 78227
-/- - --- --- ---
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5531 Red CYN
San Antonio, TX 78252
-/- - --- --- ---
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1003 Red Head
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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14510 Rifleman RD
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- ---
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251 Rollins AVE
San Antonio, TX 78228
-/- - --- --- ---
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11319 Royal Delta
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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16240 San Pedro AVE
San Antonio, TX 78232
-/- - --- --- ---
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710 Sawtooth DR
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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463 Schmeltzer LN
San Antonio, TX 78213
-/- - --- --- ---
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410 Scotty DR
San Antonio, TX 78227
-/- - --- --- ---
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16118 Seekers ST
San Antonio, TX 78255
-/- - --- --- ---
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8758 Shallow Ridge DR
San Antonio, TX 78239
-/- - --- --- ---
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8758 Shallow Ridge D
San Antonio, TX 78239
-/- - --- --- ---
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3227 Shoshoni Rise
San Antonio, TX 78261
-/- - --- --- ---
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11311 Sir Winston ST #509
San Antonio, TX 78216
-/- - --- --- ---
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4319 Southton WAY
San Antonio, TX 78223
-/- - --- --- ---
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2506 Spokane RD
San Antonio, TX 78222
-/- - --- --- ---
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5114 Stormy HLS
San Antonio, TX 78247
-/- - --- --- ---
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25 Sulfur CYN
San Antonio, TX 78247
-/- - --- --- ---
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1210 Sun SPG
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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9934 Tampke FLS
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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415 Territory Oak
San Antonio, TX 78253
-/- - --- --- ---
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6515 Trotter LN
San Antonio, TX 78240
-/- - --- --- ---
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9326 Valley BND
San Antonio, TX 78250
-/- - --- --- ---
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11518 Verde BND
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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5015 Village GRN
San Antonio, TX 78218
-/- - --- --- ---
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1951 W Huisache AVE
San Antonio, TX 78201
-/- - --- --- ---
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546 W Petaluma BLVD
San Antonio, TX 78221
-/- - --- --- ---
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3723 W Travis
San Antonio, TX 78207
-/- - --- --- ---
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5914 Walnut Mill DR
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- ---
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4003 Warpath ST
San Antonio, TX 78238
-/- - --- --- ---
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118 Westhaven PL
San Antonio, TX 78227
-/- - --- --- ---
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1319 Wooden Fox
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- ---
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8006 Ruidoso Chase
Selma, TX 78154
-/- - --- --- ---
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8419 Collingwood
Universal City, TX 78148
-/- - --- --- ---
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130 Goodrich AVE
San Antonio, TX 78207
-/- - --- --- $73k ---
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142 Pollydale AVE
San Antonio, TX 78223
-/- - --- --- $96k ---
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3607 War Bow DR
San Antonio, TX 78238
-/- - --- --- $157k ---
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1030 Fillmore DR
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- $169k ---
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10809 Bushbuck Chase
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- $176k ---
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9011 Las Jollas
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- $179k ---
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7547 Longing TRL
San Antonio, TX 78244
-/- - --- --- $187k ---
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11702 Cayenne CYN
San Antonio, TX 78245
-/- - --- --- $199k ---
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11642 Luckey Ledge
San Antonio, TX 78252
-/- - --- --- $206k ---
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9031 Laguna Rio
San Antonio, TX 78251
-/- - --- --- $208k ---
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7411 Obbligato LN
San Antonio, TX 78266
-/- - --- --- $213k ---
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7411 Obbligato LN
San Antonio, TX 78266
-/- - --- --- $213k ---
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14037 Shivers CV
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- $218k ---
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14037 Shivers CV
San Antonio, TX 78254
-/- - --- --- $218k ---
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234 San Roman DR
San Antonio, TX 78213
-/- - --- --- $244k ---
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9503 Tascate DR
Helotes, TX 78023
-/- - --- --- $315k ---
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21303 La Pena DR
San Antonio, TX 78258
-/- - --- --- $316k ---
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